Ingat lelaki je confuse pasal PMS? Perempuan pun sama. According to Wikipedia, Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (also called PMT or premenstrual tension) is a collection of physical and emotional symptoms related to a woman's menstrual cycle. PMS berlaku sebelum anda period dan biasanya akan go away selepas 1-2 hari selepas period. Sebab apa perempuan pun confuse? Sebab selama ini aku ingat PMS ini terjadi sewaktu kita period. Wkwkwkwkw. PMS start during the second half of the menstrual cycle (14 days or more after the first day of your last menstrual period). Okay, setakat ini faham?
Okay, next siapa yang biasanya ada sindrom PMS ini. Up to 3 out of every 4 women experience PMS symptoms during their childbearing years. Basically, wanita yang berumur 20 hingga 40 tahun menghadapi symptoms PMS. Different people will react differently because of their hormones. Masa aku sekolah menengah, memang teruk. Sampai muntah-muntah, pening kepala. Lucky me, sekarang cuma senggugut. I dont think there is something that should be proud of. Whatever.
The most common symptoms are, floating or feeling gaseous, breast tenderness , clumsiness, constipation or diarrhea, food cravings, headache, less tolerance for noises and lights. Bagi aku, sebelum period memang makan banyak. Sehari sampai 4 kali makan nasi. Lepas baca artikel pasal PMS, baru aku tahu. Patut la makan banyak, tapi bila period tak rasa langsung macam nak makan. Selain itu, ada la symptoms macam loss of sex drive, mood swings, sleep problems, poor self image and etc. Para lelaki yang ingin berkahwin, you better be prepare. For now, there is no specific treatment to treat PMS. Macam biasa, drink a lot of water, exercise, live a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet.
Loss of sex drive.
Need to build a good communication.
Im not even in this field but I think it is important to share with you guys. Tak kira perempuan mahupun lelaki. Aku yang sendiri perempuan pun tak tahu sebenarnya. Wkwkwkwkw. So, I decided to read an article. Lepas baca baru faham dan berkongsi bersama. Wah gitewww! Yang lelaki pulak, tak payah la ada perasaan takut dekat perempuan. Perempuan takde la complicated mana pun, comel-comel je macam Sailormoon. "Dengan kuasa bulan, aku akan menghukum mu". Hm, comelnya rasa tulis ayat Sailormoon.
Entry pertama bulan September. Eh, tak buat pun entry "September, please be nice". Fakiu. Amboi, September tu orang ke? Usaha diri sendiri sudah la, tak payah nak bagi pesanan dekat September.